Risks and Benefits of BOTOX treatment for Jaw Tension and TMJ.

For people suffering from soreness and pain resulting from problems with the temporo-mandibular joint, BOTOX® injections often provide substantial relief. While reducing the ability of facial muscles to engage in problematic grinding, BOTOX® allows them to perform daily activities such as talking, chewing, and swallowing. This makes the BOTOX® alternative treatment for jaw tension a convenient, effective option for many people. In addition, the treatment can help safeguard dental health, since excessive grinding can result in worn teeth and damaged gums that may require costly treatment.

While BOTOX® treatment for TMJ disorders appears to be safe, certain medications, intoxicants, and other substances can minimize or negatively impact the effectiveness of BOTOX® injections. For this reason, patients should honestly disclose any medication or substance use to their physician prior to treatment. In some cases, patients have experienced bruising and bleeding at injection sites, or excessive paralysis of the muscles in the areas treated. Although complications are rare, all possible risks should be prior to treatment.

For more information on information about BOTOX to help relieve your jaw tension please contact our practice on (02) 8806 0790 or fill out an online enquiry form.